Food transition

Food transition

Carrefour is willing to ensure its clients the highest shopping comfort and thus, aims to become the world leader of food transition. The company, which took notice of the rising expectations and knowledge of clients concerning healthy nutrition and a balanced diet, strives to guarantee for consumers a permanent access to food products of the highest quality at affordable prices.

Strategy of the Food Transition

Food transition is one of the strategic goals of Carrefour. The idea is to help consumers change their eating habits through education, and by ensuring them a wide access to information about the products sold in stores.

Carrefour’s ambition is to become the world leader of food transition for all, by offering clients – every day and everywhere- healthy food products of the highest quality at reasonable price.

The company strives to guarantee for its clients a permanent access to fresh fruits and vegetables from trustworthy and local suppliers, as well as to certified bio products at affordable price. Carrefour wants to democratize healthy and good quality food for all. This approach is an important element of the “Carrefour 2022” strategy, which has been announced by Carrefour Group in January 2018.

"We all play a significant role in the food transition. This is why we reinforce our cooperation with our employees, startups, associations and non-governmental organizations and we help Polish farmers, proposing support for the development of the ecological agriculture. Thanks to this, we can make the food transition really happen, not only on Carrefour shelves, but also on the plates of all Polish people."

Tareck Ouaibi

General Director of Carrefour Poland

Tareck Ouaibi

The food transition is based on 7 pillars:

  • Leader of the BIO offer

    Leader of the BIO offer

  • Proposing a high-quality offer with the own brand assortment

    Proposing a high-quality offer with the own brand assortment

  • Leader of taste

    Leader of taste

  • Caring for a better food production process

    Caring for a better food production process

  • Offering the best local marketplace

    Offering the best local marketplace

  • First e-grocery retailer

    First e-grocery retailer

  • Catalyser of food technological innovations

    Catalyser of food technological innovations

The food transition is conducted on the basis of key engagements:

  • the implementation from 2018 of a plan for ecological agriculture in Poland
  • the democratization of bio food,
  • the promotion of local and regional products,
  • the long-term support to farmers in their conversion to ecological agriculture
  • the participation of the Carrefour Foundation for financing such projects.

Our initiatives

Democratization of BIO food

Democratization of BIO food

Democratization of BIO food

One of the main challenges that Carrefour will have to face in Poland as part of the food transition - is the democratization of BIO products. Carrefour strives to guarantee for its clients access to a large offer of bio products at affordable price. Currently, the brand's offer includes about 70 products, whose ecological origin is confirmed by the EU certificate and - additionally - the Agriculture Biologique certificate granted by the French Ministry of Agriculture. The assortment of stores will include products from Poland and abroad. To promote the development of organic farming in Poland, Carrefour provides long-term support from the Carrefour Foundation for farmers interested in the transformation to ecological farming.

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ECO FOOD 360 Congress

ECO FOOD 360 Congress

ECO FOOD 360 Congress

ECO FOOD 360 Congress of Agriculture and Organic Food is one of the first international congresses in Poland comprehensively undertaking the subject of agriculture and organic food. Almost 400 quest took part in the event organized by Carrefour Poland on June 11, 2019. The aim of the ECO FOOD 360 was to spread knowledge about the values of organic food among conventional farmers, food producers and processors, government and non-governmental institutions, opinion leaders and consumers.

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